“To keep your balance, you must keep moving”

Hi, this was my farewell email on September 9, 2016. I believe this is worth to be kept as memory treasure. *grin*



Dear Friend,

As many of you probably know, today is my last day. But before I leave, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what a great and distinct pleasure it has been to type “Today is my last day”. I knew all along that this day would come, still, writing out this mail makes a butterfly in my stomach. The company and especially the team had become kind of a second family to me and the thought of leaving it makes me emotional.

Right since the day I put in my resignation, I tried to take out some time every day to reflect on how my time here at Indika Energy has affected me, my life, my personality. I’ve come to the conclusion that my time here has enriched me as a person and a professional and I consider myself lucky to have taken up the first “nine to five” job of my life at Indika Energy and more so to have been assigned to the team.

Sweet memories have always been mostly during the following phases, and you are a part of the mail because I have had at least one of the below memories with you guys.

1. Lunch time and laughter sessions!

2. All day long meetings

3. Choreographing and dancing in flash mobs

4. Uncountable wefie sessions

5. Toilet secret chats

6. Any random, yet silly moment

But (cliché alert) there comes a time when one has to realign priorities and move ahead. It has been a tough deal, but a conscious one. I am quite excited to step in a challenging phase in my life, however need not to say, what I am leaving behind is also precious.

I wish you all the very best for life. I’ll really miss each one of you hence I am gonna be around. 🙂

Signing Off,

Ginar Santika Niwanputri

[email protected]

“To keep your balance, you must keep moving”